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All games that loveleedshatebates is registered in:
3 idaho
Earth Flat Increasing
Lesser Spotted Capa British Isles 19thC
Lesser Spotted Caps Pirate Bay
Mama protectors
Lesser Spotted Caps Britannia
Castle with fog and caps (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Earth Flat Increasing (completed)
Lesser spotted Caps game Europa
Lesser spotted Caps game Earth with (completed)
Lowlands Feud 20240622 (completed)
quick with BOTS (completed)
Crowded Caps who wants it most (completed)
Extreme America (completed)
ENDLESS FOG LDRS #1 (completed)
Euro 24 Caps (completed)
General Election stc Special Caps (completed)
Gent Caps Only
Escalating Kingdoms of Chaos (completed)
foggy lg w antartice and caps (completed)
foggy lg w caps 2 (completed)
God Save Whoever is on the Throne 009 (completed)
Regular game (completed)
Crowded Caps Pirate Bay (completed)
Crowded Caps with Antarctica (completed)
Chicken Chow Mein (completed)
Crowded Caps Britannia FOW (completed)
quick with BOTS (completed)
quick with BOTS (completed)
foggy lg w caps and antartica 2 (completed)
Modern Europe STD 18 hrs (Fog + Capitals) (completed)
Colorful Capitals (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 6 of 31 - Jurassic 170mya (completed)
foggy lg w caps and antartica (completed)
fogg lg w caps (completed)
Eternal Lands (completed)
Free Beer (completed)
Opaque Badlands 20231205 (completed)
Tripod (completed)

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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