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LandGrab Code of Conduct
LandGrab has a few rules that you must agree and adhere to.
Breaking any of these rules may result in an immediate and permanent ban.
  1. Multi-account use and other cheating
    Multiple accounts are not allowed. If you're found to be using multiple accounts, either for cheating or to get around the 4 game limit, all accounts will be banned permanently.
  2. Intolerance will not be tolerated
    I will not tolerate racial and other hate-based messages and activity on LandGrab. This will result in an immediate and permanent ban.
  3. Stalking other players
    It's a game of war, but don't let one game carry over onto another. If you follow another player or continue to harass another player, you will be banned.
  4. Repeated suiciding
    Suiciding can be a beginner's mistake or just a bad gamble. Repeated suiciding is easy to see and isn't allowed. Don't try to make the game less enjoyable for others.

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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