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Game: 911929
Khaos is Khing

Status: turn 56
Game over, winner: Hrhbudda
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CARD SETS:4,6,8,10,12,... Next: 32 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:3
CARD BONUS:5 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:immediately FORTIFICATION:5 / any
Stalemate Crusher: Hrhbudda
Ruhann Sumere Brenlie Seagale Millien Lathier Seaward Krankill Serrafore Daltern Kulkas Razor West Caelcor East Caelcor Shadowgreens Westmarch Baniens Deep Northvale Calrie Dhoenel Halried Abbatuor Duerlin Edlin Caercas Faifield Ghoried Bellam Alamier Braeme Caerwil Ilien Bliene Aerele Ciliene Duene Moere Tier West Spiderfell East Spiderfell Endeer Rhummanen Tirest Tornilen Conaller Thoralin Achiese Bhalaene Bhelin Danaroeen Spirits End Sunken Lands Gulfport Moriel Algael Brothrendar Ghallier Moergan Osoerien Chaison Ansien Sendoras Mholien Heros Landing Ruorvan Bogsend Ranien Mistil Duornil Deepshadow Mhowe Salvein Lysan Barniert Carbeine Ruorkhe Lands Victory Cliffhead Rivenrock Brauns Retreat Isreare Cur Haldrynn Tor Lloriec Fhylallen Llewhoelen Binder Coere Marilen Islien Seasdeep Brosen Seamist Bhaine Bayside Portage Wilders Gorge Taliern Daulton Anuire Caulnor Durien Vanilen Avarien Rhuobe Tudors Hold Nabrien Alamsreft Elveswood Pechalin Monslege Ghonafson Nothmoor Hildon Sothmoor Deserain Allorian Lareth Trayward Maesford Redoubt Calland Nieter Dhalaese Rivien Fhorille Tarrien Seasedge Bacalte Black Port Seaport Greryhaven Freestead Linds Home Greenward Dooms Peak Crushing Hills Blood Bay Falling Woods Storms Release Theriens Gorge Floodspath Ruinholt Torain Sulfers Hand Thasbryn Helmshaven Riverford Mhelville Toriens Watch Hazels Gape Winfeld Marloer Beveldour Cwildon Maeslir Baulterine Elfs Doom Shattered Hills Mountains Edge Dwarfholt Bloodhilt Brushfire Vale Perilwoods Sutenhill Sonnelind Jonring Bridesnight Bilefalls Tradehein Druidwash Dharilen Highdale Rominel Sidihure Giants Fist Sonvink Lands Edge Icewall Castle Whitewoods Nomberg Winters Dagger Icebarrow Sacretskar Unvil Firefeld Bugbarrens Midgrth Unnameth Tronndalg Bjorlangen Silverheart Crestfall Peak Lemnejohan Wombhair Avalleigh Llyandor Blindwraith Pelt Stones End Fallen Rock Crushing Rock Sagefen Oroks Head Plumbgabo Sidehearth Kal Sathrikif Abattir Motile Cerians Hold Mettles Test Sunder Falls Multaks Point Zaptig Hoenit Ywnrindor Xak Tsaroth Dhonegmire Braethindyr Cymer
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Kasca (conquered) -89 6
  Ghost (conquered) 0 0
  Hrhbudda 218 1044 1012 9 440 45
  Farsight (conquered) 297 31
  darksyntax (conquered) -97 2
  marzruler (conquered) 41 11
  Perp (conquered) 0 0
  Fallout (conquered) 108 3
  Xar (conquered) -94 3
  Pinky (conquered) 0 0
Name Value Owner
Dragons Nest 45 Hrhbudda
Markazir 45 Hrhbudda
Thorbardin 45 Hrhbudda
Ryorthia 38 Hrhbudda
The Pinnacles 38 Hrhbudda
Tornen 38 Hrhbudda
Avanil 30 Hrhbudda
Ettinbarrow 30 Hrhbudda
Havenwood 30 Hrhbudda
Morevil 30 Hrhbudda
Oskord 30 Hrhbudda
Targhas 30 Hrhbudda
Valinor 30 Hrhbudda
Bosun 23 Hrhbudda
Brosengar 23 Hrhbudda
Dohar 23 Hrhbudda
Kilad Mur 23 Hrhbudda
Mekkar 23 Hrhbudda
Talinfrel 23 Hrhbudda
Therazor 23 Hrhbudda
Turhaven 23 Hrhbudda
Velian 23 Hrhbudda
Winters Grip 23 Hrhbudda
Ayriak 15 Hrhbudda
Baruk 15 Hrhbudda
Carnil 15 Hrhbudda
Chymaeron 15 Hrhbudda
Coranis 15 Hrhbudda
Cuelth 15 Hrhbudda
Dargaard 15 Hrhbudda
Dremed 15 Hrhbudda
Gnosh 15 Hrhbudda
Goluth 15 Hrhbudda
Midirth 15 Hrhbudda
Spiderfell 15 Hrhbudda
Vosh 15 Hrhbudda
Alduria 8 Hrhbudda
Endeer 8 Hrhbudda
Grumhill 8 Hrhbudda
Heroes Landing 8 Hrhbudda
Ilthid 8 Hrhbudda
Rhuobe 8 Hrhbudda
Xak Zaroth 8 Hrhbudda

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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