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One on One (with Borgs)
EarthWithAntarcticaLG     5m  
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Punchy Calhoun   score: 5754supporter
STINK (computer)
PINK (computer)
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Waterworld     2d  
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33 slots left
Min Rank: 
Kander   score: 417895supporter
Ned Land   score: 702157supporter
Vezzini   score: 361554supporter
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Space Minerz
Space Minerz     2d  
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22 slots left
Min Rank: 
Kander   score: 417895supporter
Buck Rogers   score: 702157supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
Vezzini   score: 361554supporter
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Hexophilia XL
Hexophilia XL     2d  
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33 slots left
Min Rank: 
Kander   score: 417895supporter
Flash Gordan   score: 702157supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
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Center of Disaster
Center of Disaster     2d  
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23 slots left
Min Rank: 
Kander   score: 417895supporter
Captain Caveman   score: 702157supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
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Asian Invasion
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23 slots left
Min Rank: 
Kander   score: 417895supporter
Hong Kong Phooey   score: 702157supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
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Come all foes, you're free now!
Ukraine     24h    
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12 slots left
Dave the Dispictable   score: 528173supporter
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Too Early
EarthLG     24h  
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4 slots left
DEEP HATE   score: 528173supporter
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We on a World Tour
1200     24h    
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7 slots left
chompchomp   score: 440671supporter
RH   score: 1281180supporter
BrainFreeZen   score: 702157supporter
God Usopp   score: 11551supporter
DeighGlo   score: 14220supporter
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Kingdoms of Khaos     24h  
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16 slots left
schpere | Match
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50 50 2
When Hell Freezes Over     24h    
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36 slots left
Jordgubbe   score: 1281180supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1024700supporter
Kander   score: 417895supporter
Princess Popcorn Pieces Extra Buttery   score: 593592supporter
cinderellla   score: 509398supporter
Arsey   score: 722171supporter
not bob   score: 37515supporter
Verminator   score: 1395160supporter
shwampy   score: 342487supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
Match   score: 238884supporter
Hrhbudda   score: 58404supporter
Lord Tembo   score: 52679supporter
Vezzini   score: 361554supporter
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Endless Lands     12h    
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9 slots left
schpere   score: 117718supporter
not cwned   score: 818065supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
Match   score: 238884supporter
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Endless Lands     12h    
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8 slots left
schpere   score: 117718supporter
not cwned   score: 818065supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
Match   score: 238884supporter
Sybesmania   score: 9259supporter
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Seattle     24h    
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8 slots left
DEEP HATE   score: 528173supporter
Princess Popcorn Pieces Extra Buttery   score: 593592supporter
Spiker   score: 395189supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
Smokey The Bandit   score: 144802supporter
teddy84   score: 88878supporter
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EarthLG     5m  
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5 slots left
Royal Ranger   score: 73
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Giantmap 40-15
Giantmap     7d  
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16 slots left
habu   score: 315138supporter
borges   score: 241979supporter
Feenix   score: 647404supporter
pomkat   score: 1023140supporter
G.F.Y.   score: 627905supporter
El Limon   score: 376483supporter
Kander   score: 417895supporter
cinderellla   score: 509398supporter
All your Sins   score: 175902supporter
Annihilator   score: 605821supporter
Astillion   score: 902510supporter
Arsey   score: 722171supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 629011supporter
S Tan   score: 702157supporter
not bob   score: 37515supporter
Verminator   score: 1395160supporter
aspen   score: 320558supporter
Thorsdik   score: 314535supporter
shwampy   score: 342487supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
Derocker   score: 126825supporter
TBIV   score: 59215supporter
Troglodyte   score: 19278supporter
Vezzini   score: 361554supporter
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Millspaugh's Mayhem
1200     2m  
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11 slots left
Choochtown   score: 335720supporter
Verminator   score: 1395160supporter
unik1   score: 1618980supporter
millspaugh   score: 0
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Top 10 More stats...
PomKat User is offline 1,808.27index: 1808.27
rej User is offline 1,467.69index: 1467.69
doomie User is offline 1,042.95index: 1042.95
wahbit99 User is offline 992.81index: 992.806
atat123 User is offline 734.16index: 734.159
danwysong User is offline 713.79index: 713.793
G. Kahn User is offline 690.35index: 690.348
moonlighk User is offline 641.05index: 641.047
Feenix User is offline 637.35index: 637.346
abogus User is offline 558.86index: 558.86

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