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Hope is almost here
Hexophilia XL     3d  
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1 slot left
WSorBust   score: 1314680supporter
yangoon (computer)
major generul mikey (computer)
gergenheim the GREAT (computer)
AbileneAbigail (computer)
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Castle fog caps
Castle     12h    
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4 slots left
House of Stark   score: 6673supporter
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EarthLG     24h  
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3 slots left
freckled fist sucks   score: 91778supporter
Yankees suck   score: 1314680supporter
Commies suck   score: 2supporter
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Red Mars No musk
Red Mars     2d  
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11 slots left
BrainFreeZen   score: 720069supporter
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Private Messaging ENABLED -- Anything Goes Rumble
Endless Lands     2d  
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11 slots left
runninghore   score: 1314680supporter
The Prince   score: 7934supporter
G.F.Y.   score: 633025supporter
San Martin   score: 129820supporter
Kander   score: 432508supporter
cinderellla   score: 517854supporter
schpere   score: 131160supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
brigand   score: 949856supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 636314supporter
Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
Irondan   score: 615021supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 625052supporter
slagerjj   score: 1233530supporter
Hornblower   score: 222027supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
Shwampiavelli   score: 359793supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
QueenBea   score: 12733supporter
The Friendless Brat   score: 119760supporter
whitehaireddude   score: 76481supporter
Rapta   score: 216430supporter
Pethers   score: 33058supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
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Centrum calamitatis cum XXV imperatores
Center of Disaster     24h  
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16 slots left
DEEP HATE   score: 535736supporter
JRuN   score: 38126supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
Lucius Opimius   score: 915950supporter
rameater   score: 38009supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
Match   score: 284971supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
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Who's worthy to control the Immortal Warlords?
Immortal Warlords     2d  
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16 slots left
G.F.Y.   score: 633025supporter
Kander   score: 432508supporter
pthepthep   score: 639850supporter
schpere   score: 131160supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
All your Sins   score: 179726supporter
Annihilator   score: 616111supporter
Grand Imperator   score: 720069supporter
Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
slagerjj   score: 1233530supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
shwampy   score: 359793supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
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Murder Inc Caps
Murder Inc     24h    
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3 slots left
lrstaeo   score: 413352supporter
scoopa   score: 639850supporter
Hoju   score: 94938supporter
All your Sins   score: 179726supporter
brigand   score: 949856supporter
dtsa   score: 325571supporter
Annihilator   score: 616111supporter
Barberserk   score: 83787supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
Match   score: 284971supporter
JGrass   score: 49474supporter
Vezzini   score: 413337supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
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EarthLG     24h  
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2 slots left
Tomak   score: 177148supporter
not cwned   score: 836128supporter
Vezzini   score: 413337supporter
Sybesmania   score: 22166supporter
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Altered Movie Quotes
Endless Lands     36h  
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6 slots left
We dont need no stinking brats   score: 452023supporter
Frankly my dear I dont give a brat   score: 535736supporter
Nobody puts bratty in a corner   score: 1314680supporter
The Prince   score: 7934supporter
You cant handle the brat   score: 31672supporter
Hasta La Vista Brat   score: 517854supporter
Brat James Brat   score: 131160supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
No I Am Your Bratt   score: 179726supporter
Soylent Green is Brat   score: 949856supporter
Play it once Bratt   score: 915950supporter
My name is Bratt You killed my father...   score: 636314supporter
FatDrunkAndStupidIsNoWayToGoThroughLifeBratt   score: 720069supporter
I wanna win I want that Bratt so dance good   score: 148825supporter
Bratt Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
Youre going to need a bigger bratt   score: 625052supporter
May the force bratt with Blue   score: 1233530supporter
Brat4life   score: 159958supporter
follow the yellow Bratt road   score: 359793supporter
Bratt is mad as hell and wont take it anymore    score: 415380supporter
only1Bratt   score: 1660790supporter
Elementary my dear Brattson   score: 331144supporter
I love the smell of brat in the morning   score: 66665supporter
This is not the Brat you are looking for   score: 119760supporter
You had me at brat.   score: 33058supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
Everybody puts a Brat in the corner   score: 19491
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Sea Battle Extraordinaire
Sea Battle     2d  
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5 slots left
the reverend ryon wants his cruiser   score: 273922supporter
Capt Dash Riprock   score: 535736supporter
insert seaman joke here   score: 1314680supporter
G.F.Y.   score: 633025supporter
pthepthep   score: 639850supporter
Gray Ghost   score: 314689supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
All your Sins   score: 179726supporter
Wimvan   score: 915950supporter
Captain Arse   score: 746964supporter
Brass Monkey   score: 636314supporter
Canuqeurer   score: 720069supporter
The Vulture   score: 596124supporter
Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
Thorsdik   score: 332534supporter
slagerjj   score: 1233530supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
captain shwampy   score: 359793supporter
jdoughty   score: 367465supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
Santos   score: 206016supporter
WH Anchor   score: 76481supporter
God damn your eyes man   score: 216430supporter
Vezzini   score: 413337supporter
4kraken   score: 8587supporter
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Allied Command     24h  
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11 slots left
Not Red   score: 535736supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1054330supporter
pthepthep   score: 639850supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
Arsey   score: 746964supporter
Irondan   score: 615021supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 625052supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
teddy84   score: 92019supporter
Santos   score: 206016supporter
AImurton   score: 73029supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
4kraken   score: 8587supporter
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Land Grab Epica
Land Grab Epica     2d  
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14 slots left
Sloth   score: 433186supporter
pthepthep   score: 639850supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 636314supporter
Canuqeurer   score: 720069supporter
Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
Irondan   score: 615021supporter
aspen   score: 327295supporter
shwampy   score: 359793supporter
jdoughty   score: 367465supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
Blue Sun   score: 206016supporter
Strawb   score: 331144supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
DeighGlo   score: 18483supporter
4kraken   score: 8587supporter
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Celebrating 15 years on LandGrab
Land Of Quaz     36h  
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14 slots left
DEEP HATE   score: 535736supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1054330supporter
Kander   score: 432508supporter
cinderellla   score: 517854supporter
Coleus   score: 13598supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
jughead   score: 259345supporter
All your Sins   score: 179726supporter
Astillion   score: 917894supporter
Arsey   score: 746964supporter
mrfetish   score: 12956supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 636314supporter
Canuqeurer   score: 720069supporter
The Vulture   score: 596124supporter
Whitewood   score: 494442supporter
Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
Irondan   score: 615021supporter
aspen   score: 327295supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 625052supporter
slagerjj   score: 1233530supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
Mixer   score: 76044supporter
shwampy   score: 359793supporter
Pojo Mojo   score: 415380supporter
Smushy   score: 119494supporter
jdoughty   score: 367465supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
Colonel Bacon   score: 117164supporter
EchoNiner   score: 29521supporter
Strawb11   score: 331144supporter
Matt The Brat   score: 119760supporter
Rapta   score: 216430supporter
Pethers   score: 33058supporter
Vezzini   score: 413337supporter
Good Times Roll   score: 76396supporter
4kraken   score: 8587supporter
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ReservoirDogs#1 TEAMS
Millennium     2d    
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6 slots left
Mr. Green:
teddy84 | 4kraken
Mr Yellow:
Mr Black:
Canuqeurer | Aceron | WarRabbit
Mr Blue:
Napoleon Size | The Blue Hornblower | Mr Purple
Mr Red:
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Quazie Map Tour 31 of 31 - Land of Quaz
Land Of Quaz     24h    
Waiting for players to join
14 slots left
mighty molar   score: 340139supporter
Fortytwo   score: 462833supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1054330supporter
cinderellla   score: 517854supporter
schpere   score: 131160supporter
pavramop   score: 1049130supporter
Wimvan   score: 915950supporter
The Howling   score: 79665supporter
dtsa   score: 325571supporter
Annihilator   score: 616111supporter
Arsey   score: 746964supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 636314supporter
The Vulture   score: 596124supporter
Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
Irondan   score: 615021supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 625052supporter
Aceron   score: 159958supporter
Mixer   score: 76044supporter
shwampy   score: 359793supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
Match   score: 284971supporter
TBIV   score: 66665supporter
Rapta   score: 216430supporter
Vezzini   score: 413337supporter
Redcoats   score: 44011supporter
4kraken   score: 8587supporter
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Foggy Teams of 3 in Millennium
Millennium     2d    
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1 slot left
Minty Fresh:
Aceron | EchoNiner | TimmyMaj
Green Guard:
pthepthep | schpere | Canuqeurer
Shadow Brigade:
Thorsdik | unik1 | Matt The Brat
Fire Starters:
mighty molar | Mixer | Disturbedsfsg
Navy Nightwatchers:
the nightwatcher reverend ryon | 4kraken
Cherry Chargers:
The Kriek | deadpool | Grumpy Face
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Millspaugh's Mayhem
1200     2m  
Waiting for players to join
8 slots left
mrfetish   score: 12956supporter
Verminator   score: 1436890supporter
WarRabbit   score: 256988supporter
unik1   score: 1660790supporter
DeighGlo   score: 18483supporter
millspaugh   score: 0
4kraken   score: 8587supporter
join game...
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PomKat User is offline 1,811.99index: 1811.99
rej User is offline 1,453.40index: 1453.4
doomie User is offline 1,035.00index: 1035.0
wahbit99 User is offline 985.37index: 985.367
atat123 User is offline 763.06index: 763.056
G. Kahn User is offline 745.47index: 745.471
danwysong User is online 722.70index: 722.701
moonlighk User is offline 656.62index: 656.618
Feenix User is offline 632.74index: 632.737
abogus User is offline 558.73index: 558.732

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Active games:2167

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