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EarthLG     24h  
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Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
filbert   score: 18supporter
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Simpsons Shows
Castle Massacre     24h  
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4 slots left
dtsa   score: 325738supporter
Grumpy Moe   score: 1436730supporter
Mr Burns   score: 884566supporter
Lord Tembo   score: 58990supporter
Grampa (computer)
Barts Racoon (computer)
Lisa (computer)
Bart (computer)
Marge (computer)
Homer (computer)
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Simpsons Shows
Castle Massacre     24h  
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6 slots left
Grumpy Moe   score: 1436730supporter
Mr Burns   score: 884566supporter
Grampa (computer)
Barts Racoon (computer)
Lisa (computer)
Bart (computer)
Marge (computer)
Homer (computer)
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Altered Song Lyrics
Immortal Warlords     36h  
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3 slots left
in a dark brown voice she said Lola B R A T Lola   score: 451903supporter
Sloth   score: 433206supporter
Im not like Brat but I can pretend   score: 1315130supporter
Another Brat in the Wall   score: 130749supporter
Sweet Brat O Mine   score: 916528supporter
Born to be Brat   score: 616637supporter
CauseyouretheGreenBratalishiwiththetwoprongedcrown   score: 720880supporter
Intergabratic planetary planetary intergabratic   score: 148592supporter
Theres a Brat in my house   score: 1436730supporter
In A Gadda Da Brat   score: 332621supporter
austinmax   score: 884566supporter
There is a brat moon on the rise   score: 1233380supporter
I got 99 problems but the brat aint one   score: 359858supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
Another Brat bites the dust   score: 62139supporter
The wheels on the Brat go round and round   score: 331144supporter
DespiteAllMyRageIAmStillJustaBratinaCage   score: 229253supporter
Whooo Let the Brats Out   score: 120145supporter
B.R.A.T. Gloria   score: 82128supporter
Jumpin Brat Flash Has Got Real Bad Gas   score: 18273supporter
DollarBill   score: 29
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Red Mars No musk
Red Mars     2d  
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6 slots left
BrainFreeNazi   score: 632926supporter
mikema13   score: 74379supporter
Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
BrainFreeZen   score: 720880supporter
Bomber83   score: 14504supporter
Redcoats   score: 44840supporter
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Centrum calamitatis cum XXV imperatores
Center of Disaster     24h  
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13 slots left
DEEP HATE   score: 535469supporter
JRuN   score: 38902supporter
pavramop   score: 1049060supporter
Lucius Opimius   score: 916528supporter
Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
rameater   score: 38009supporter
Aceron   score: 160127supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
Match   score: 285395supporter
GordonBombay   score: 27195supporter
Pethers   score: 32866supporter
Redcoats   score: 44840supporter
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Who's worthy to control the Immortal Warlords?
Immortal Warlords     2d  
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15 slots left
G.F.Y.   score: 632926supporter
Kander   score: 432364supporter
pthepthep   score: 641544supporter
schpere   score: 130749supporter
pavramop   score: 1049060supporter
All your Sins   score: 179726supporter
Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
Grand Imperator   score: 720880supporter
Verminator   score: 1436730supporter
slagerjj   score: 1233380supporter
Aceron   score: 160127supporter
shwampy   score: 359858supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
Pethers   score: 32866supporter
Redcoats   score: 44840supporter
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Allied Command     24h  
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7 slots left
Not Red   score: 535469supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1055340supporter
pthepthep   score: 641544supporter
pavramop   score: 1049060supporter
Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
Arsey   score: 747024supporter
Irondan   score: 615161supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 626789supporter
Aceron   score: 160127supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
off piste   score: 733849supporter
teddy84   score: 91834supporter
Santos   score: 206016supporter
Lord Tembo   score: 58990supporter
AImurton   score: 72848supporter
Redcoats   score: 44840supporter
4kraken   score: 8498supporter
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Land Grab Epica
Land Grab Epica     2d  
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12 slots left
Sloth   score: 433206supporter
pthepthep   score: 641544supporter
pavramop   score: 1049060supporter
All your Sins   score: 179726supporter
Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 636394supporter
Canuqeurer   score: 720880supporter
Verminator   score: 1436730supporter
Irondan   score: 615161supporter
aspen   score: 327295supporter
shwampy   score: 359858supporter
jdoughty   score: 367465supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
Blue Sun   score: 206016supporter
Strawb   score: 331144supporter
Redcoats   score: 44840supporter
DeighGlo   score: 18273supporter
4kraken   score: 8498supporter
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Celebrating 15 years on LandGrab
Land Of Quaz     36h  
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10 slots left
DEEP HATE   score: 535469supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1055340supporter
Kander   score: 432364supporter
cinderellla   score: 517783supporter
Coleus   score: 13523supporter
pavramop   score: 1049060supporter
jughead   score: 259345supporter
Zaack   score: 12177supporter
All your Sins   score: 179726supporter
mikema13   score: 74379supporter
Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
Astillion   score: 917914supporter
Arsey   score: 747024supporter
mrfetish   score: 12573supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 636394supporter
Canuqeurer   score: 720880supporter
The Vulture   score: 596031supporter
Whitewood   score: 494442supporter
Verminator   score: 1436730supporter
Irondan   score: 615161supporter
aspen   score: 327295supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 626789supporter
slagerjj   score: 1233380supporter
Aceron   score: 160127supporter
Mixer   score: 76015supporter
shwampy   score: 359858supporter
Pojo Mojo   score: 415187supporter
Smushy   score: 119494supporter
jdoughty   score: 367465supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
Colonel Bacon   score: 117278supporter
EchoNiner   score: 29521supporter
Strawb11   score: 331144supporter
Castle34   score: 167342supporter
Matt The Brat   score: 120145supporter
Rapta   score: 216450supporter
Pethers   score: 32866supporter
Vezzini   score: 414691supporter
Good Times Roll   score: 76462supporter
4kraken   score: 8498supporter
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ReservoirDogs#1 TEAMS
Millennium     2d    
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6 slots left
Mr. Green:
teddy84 | 4kraken
Mr Yellow:
Mr. Brat
Mr Black:
Aceron | WarRabbit
Mr Blue:
Napoleon Size | The Blue Hornblower | Mr Purple
Mr Red:
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Quazie Map Tour 31 of 31 - Land of Quaz
Land Of Quaz     24h    
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15 slots left
mighty molar   score: 340044supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1055340supporter
cinderellla   score: 517783supporter
schpere   score: 130749supporter
pavramop   score: 1049060supporter
Wimvan   score: 916528supporter
The Howling   score: 79875supporter
dtsa   score: 325738supporter
Annihilator   score: 616637supporter
Arsey   score: 747024supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 636394supporter
The Vulture   score: 596031supporter
Verminator   score: 1436730supporter
Irondan   score: 615161supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 626789supporter
Aceron   score: 160127supporter
Mixer   score: 76015supporter
shwampy   score: 359858supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
Match   score: 285395supporter
TBIV   score: 66429supporter
Rapta   score: 216450supporter
Vezzini   score: 414691supporter
Redcoats   score: 44840supporter
4kraken   score: 8498supporter
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Millspaugh's Mayhem
1200     2m  
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8 slots left
mrfetish   score: 12573supporter
Verminator   score: 1436730supporter
WarRabbit   score: 256934supporter
unik1   score: 1661720supporter
DeighGlo   score: 18273supporter
millspaugh   score: 0
4kraken   score: 8498supporter
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PomKat User is offline 1,803.92index: 1803.92
doomie User is offline 1,035.00index: 1035.0
wahbit99 User is offline 985.37index: 985.367
atat123 User is offline 763.09index: 763.094
G. Kahn User is offline 745.47index: 745.471
danwysong User is online 723.34index: 723.345
moonlighk User is offline 656.62index: 656.625
Feenix User is offline 632.74index: 632.743
abogus User is offline 558.74index: 558.739
runninghore User is offline 536.07index: 536.066

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