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Game: 898987

Status: turn 216
Game over, winner: not cwned
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CARD SETS:C:4, D:6, S:8, CDS:10, W:20 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:2 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:2 / path
Stalemate Crusher: not cwned
Hot Ice Pandoras Box Sump Cloven Hoof Nordic Stink Pong Poop Smelly Sock Dubious Stain Evil Eye Silver Palm Destiny Trundle Gasp Aghast Harpies Brothel Screech Holler Gorgon Chorus Lost Souls Croon Iron Lung Runner Cowards Hut Uphill Struggle Tilted Step Off Haemoglobin Platelets Scab Anemic Plasma Flow Dog Breath Melt Your Face Off Little Bit of Sick Drunken Seductions Evil Kiss Caress Wet Dream Lapdog Leash Fetch Upsidedown Slug Callings Where a Frog Lives Sprite Enriched Emu Sooth Unholy Goose Jesus Holiday Home Chips Flames Of Duck Crass Tainted Dreams Pleasure Precipice Sirens Holden Three Heads Hells Gates Pedigree Foe Wet Dog Hell Bad Pooch The Destroyer Apollyon Angel of Death Coptic Delusions Weetabix Mayhem Clutch Dread Heart Eye of Tail of Naughty Naughty Newt GET ON WITH IT Treasure Hoard Welsh Dragons Breath Red Tongue Dragon Fez Puff The Magic Dragon Fruit Jarvis Cocker Sunday Service Common People Boldric Black Adder Cunning Plan Slug Moustache Boil Utter Cretin Sticky Feet Mammoth Moth Snails Pace Cultured Helpless Rhino Wisked Beetroot Clay Pigeon Stimpy Gritty Kitty Litter Sick Little Monkey Log Cousin Sven Mr Hanky Brown Bum Baby Plop Turd Burger Angel Of Disease Altars Of Madness God Of Emptiness Trey Azagthoth Covenant Where The Slime Lives Blessed Are The Sick Abominations Of Desolation Fall From Grace Domination Love Of Lava Nar Mattaru Rapture Feltch Pilfer Kettle Wish Drake Hell Wagon Black Angel Vengeance Spite Brutal Revenge Scuttled Hatred Hurt Ant Snake Feet Octopus Wings Otter Beak Jellyfish Teeth Hex Love Potion Epidermis Glands Pith Lobe Crevise Brainwash Witless Ibecile Cretin Boris Johnson Boxer Fish Killer Cod Psychotic Catfish Fearless Starfish Suicide Sex Power Happiness Satans Cloakroom Batfink Daemon Poo Skull Trophy Entry Hole Diablo The Thought Clashed Glistens Changers Rinsed Hell Spawn Graceless Dessert Debauched Trifle Cursed Cheesecake Bucket and Spade Punch and Judy Donkey On a Beach Dead Jellyfish Scales Pinch Glistering Trouser Louse Margaret Thatcher Hoola Salem Broom Stick Mary Poppins Tilted and Kilted Wilfred Owen Devils Face Sick of Sin Trenchfoot Shellshock Mustard Gas Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Mercury Decrepid Hollow Wilt Shelves Truck Krill Eaters Songs of the Seas Jonah Mobydick Kraken Seal Clubber Igloo Husky Snow Blind Inuit Dancer In The Dark Playdead Hyperballad Karvel Violently Happy Aurora Kukl Tulip Velvet Underground Roses Lilly The Truth or Something Beautiful Stone Cold Sober Upsidedown Weak Fart Jumping Around Horse Balls Snot Dribble Banana Strawberry Sandbank Gooseberry Apple Shoes Ermintrude Heffer Beef Legs Steak Milk Machine Duckbill Manbearpig Monkeyfishbird Catratwalrus Doglizardbaby Stonemen Sleepy Hollow Trembles Volcanoe Panda Dump Sinners Palace Serpents Faith Hades Delight Underworld Daemon Food Sunders Doom Pit Flaming Hell Hounds Qwerty Heart Moan Cloud Flight Water Flew Blessed Polly Crunched Wheat Curdled Particles Itchy Mushroom Madness Mushroom Shake Mushroom Giggles Snorkel Indonesia Fishface Whiskey Esmerelda Scotland Admiral Genius Valparaiso Pallas Speedy Arab Perfection Utopian Flawless Excellence Peerless Ivory Tower Pearl Elephant Cracked Graveyard Lotus Flower Lotus Position Jasmine Green Racing Japan Imp Gruesome Greenie Slimeman Group Suicide Altar Sacrifice Crazed Hypnotic Stone Mindboggler Horned Cultist Sting in the Tail Parasitic Host Wax Hornet Dead Mans Shoes Twitching Feet Noose Belly Flop Eye Gouge Swift Knee to Happysacks Scratch Mr Crabs Patrick Crab Patties Bikini Bottom Squidward Gary Plankton Sharksfin Jaws Bullshark Tigershark Greatwhite Blackfin Predator Rabid Castle Flagellants Cornered Rat Maddened Mouseking Culled Berk Boni The Thing Upstairs Drutt Rogg Duck Egg Embryo Delight Soy Sauce Vinegar Coconut Palace Furry Balls Baby Dragonballs Milky Joe Midnight Barber Wicket Little Bears Stupid Furry Criters Thug Indian Bloodhunters Godess of Destruction Blood Drinker Phoenix Murderers Last Gasp Evacuating the Bowels Choking Golden Squirrels Great Owls Hovering Flowers Crystal Swan Weaveworld Dreamy Eyes Wishing Well Crystal Ship Opium Featherpillow Mindslave REM Sweet Dreams Pingo Happy Feet Grated Puffin Penguin Soup Whale Fodder Wise Fryingpan Living on the Edge Webweavers Cusp Moon Slice Huddle Flask Dimple Pox Typhoon Wisk Wonkey Donkey Balloon Hats Donkey Fingers Ass Chilli Pots Zelda Sram Yung Star Lord Tempo Mouldy Brie Cheddar Port Salut Stilton Rammed Dumps You Shit Sheep Dip Dribble Lots Tender Shrubs Sputum Lobster Helmets Smelly Trance Floating Lead Flat Mountains Maggot Talents Ghost Daffodils Trouser Leak Love Cats Madmans Philosophy Guacamole MMMMmmmmm Worm Armour Polkadot Dolphin Dancing Wisdom Merry Murders This is Love Big Black Monsoon Meet Ze Monsta To Bring You My Love The Dancer Uh Huh Her Rid of Me Let England Shake The Wind Shame Hells Hawk Sparrow Castle Death Wings Flying Shadow Swift Death Carrion Squiggle Etch Smudge Cold Temptress Ice Palace Frost Bite Jackfrost Polar Bear Dance Pork Chop Castle Professor Oink Potbelly Pig Swinehund String Theory Quantum Nothingness Quark Entropy Inside the Outside The Black Pig Roger the Cabin Boy Master Bates Seaman Staines Yo ho ho Bottle of Rum Roland Rat Ratmobile Kevin the Gerbil Errol the Hamster Glenis the Guinea Pig Roland Ratzenberger RIP Hey Rat Fans Not Baskets White Witch Earth Mother Wand Treehugger Flatulent Hippo Chorizo Cumberland Frankfurter Cocktail Porky Bonobo Love Face Golden Marmoset Howler Monkey Spider Monkey Tarsier Orangutan Killer Tomatoes Fruit Bats Lemon Acid Corrupt Carrots Mangoes of Malice Evileye Steak Marrow Tomb Hendrix Dimebag Feldman Django Gilmour Skeksis Gelfling Garthim Fizzgig Kidney Liver Heart Lung Hair Shrimp Hot as Hell Chilli Lemongrass Condensed Milk Tomato Devils Stepping Stone Sweet Spot Spectors Phantoms Breach Ectoplasm Poltergeist Ghost Train Swinging Zombie Martina Overcome Travel Hog Trinity Happy Gull Sinking Salmon Rose Food Severed Forest Bagpuss Soup Space Swimmer Snapper Major Reptile Sea Box Floundering Aquatic Hare Nautical Tortoise Newton Einstein Bohr Penrose Schrodinger Faraday The Art of Memory The Hermetic Tradition Renaissance Mystical Ways Mind Power False Pseudo Brilliant Minds The Beast 666 Aleister Crowley Hey Ho Pagan Sacrifice Wurzel Gummidge Brainless Burning Hell Voodoo Girl Zombie Paradise Brain Dead Toxic Fish Living Dead The Clangers Soup Dragon Iron Chicken Werewolf Mr Spoon The Brink Hovering River Pestilence Star Simple Hate Morphed Faces Sweet Relish Stonedragon Rouge Swift Polish Tangerine Devil Silent Noises Pond Jelly Frog Spawn Nymph Amphibious Baby Spluttered Wither Barn Greenback Gangster The Krays Pig Farmer Shallow Grave Devil Dust High Lettuce Discouraged Osprey Dusky Eyed Midnight Rainbow Darkening Timbre Sky Glitter Thunderhead Bruised Skies Thor Earth Lights Fork Lightning Monsoon Sea Cow Scrot Rot Mashpotato Great Big Scrotum Palawan Mangrove Lulls Sea Grazer Jazz Flute Baxter A Whales Vagina Sex Panther Candyfloss Aroma Rose Petals Badger Set Corona Badger Ales Guiness Port Pork Sword Wang One Eyed Trouser Snake Purple Headed Yogurt Slinger Man Sausage Gazebo Blancmange Magnetic Dwarf Capybara Wise Elephants Avatar Gaia Shiva Genghis Mongol Yurt Kublai Revamonte Hot Springs Volcanoe Utopia Black Sands Wind Tunnel Celtic Needle Iron Ice Great Otters Slumber Chambers Deceit Crunched Towerhill Obtuse Angel Banana Cults Aquamarine Lapis Lazuli Maya Blue Ultramarine Long Necked Freak Snow Table Perplexed Beaver Disgruntled Toad Sexual Harassment Panda Magma Fields Tranquil Sea Clive Barker Maddox Luman Barbarossa Hermes Memory Map Shuttle Genius Masonic Jesus Wept Flayed Flesh Satans Massage Blood Whisk The Wailing Moose Hollow Melon King Weasel Placid Lion Berrycake Cult Monster Box Tree Squid Sunshine Freedom Mind Cage Throne Of Blood Death Point Blood Bath Death Match Violent Kingdom Mortal Battle Satans Tux Whisperers Ear Osaka Castle Shogun Kyoto Bushido The Art of War
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  TBIV (conquered) -86 3
  Castle34 (borgified quitter [86]) (conquered) -97 0
  nparas1 (borgified [48]) (conquered) -99 0
  Gidster (left game [84]) (conquered) 229 0
  petesyn (conquered) 537 8
  not cwned 692 1597 644 2 951 47
  Wknjs (conquered) 124 5
  Spiker (borgified quitter [38]) (conquered) -98 0
  Hrhbudda (conquered) 326 5
  Stirfry (left game [68]) (conquered) -94 0
  PrincessMedyPi (conquered) -92 1
  Kaarp (conquered) 433 8
  [NEUTRAL] (conquered) 0 0
Name Value Owner
Morbid Angel 8 not cwned
Bjork 7 not cwned
Cat Nipples 6 not cwned
Dreamscape 6 not cwned
Lucifers Grace 6 not cwned
Underwater Tophats 6 not cwned
Arioch 5 not cwned
Blood Arena 5 not cwned
Captain Pugwash 5 not cwned
Cloud Blister 5 not cwned
Draken 5 not cwned
Kali 5 not cwned
Lombok 5 not cwned
Long Snake Moan 5 not cwned
Manatee 5 not cwned
PJ Harvey 5 not cwned
Sabnoch 5 not cwned
Satans Seventh Bride 5 not cwned
Shark Shadow 5 not cwned
Slavemind 5 not cwned
Slight 5 not cwned
The Crux 5 not cwned
Topley Bird 5 not cwned
Beelzebubs Bitch 4 not cwned
Blood Clot 4 not cwned
Cerberus 4 not cwned
Crab Steps 4 not cwned
Displeased Tadpole 4 not cwned
Edgy 4 not cwned
Fallen Angel Delight 4 not cwned
Gore Drool 4 not cwned
Hells Kitchen 4 not cwned
Hoodwink 4 not cwned
Howling Banshee 4 not cwned
Human Flesh 4 not cwned
Lord Thomas Cochrane 4 not cwned
Lotus 4 not cwned
Marzipan Face 4 not cwned
Moo Cow 4 not cwned
Organ Donor 4 not cwned
Paragon 4 not cwned
Platypus 4 not cwned
Raven 4 not cwned
Succubus 4 not cwned
Tau Spin 4 not cwned
Thandie 4 not cwned
Trench 4 not cwned
Turnip 4 not cwned
Turtle Breath 4 not cwned
Whale Tongue 4 not cwned
Wicca 4 not cwned
Abaddon 3 not cwned
Balut 3 not cwned
Bear Eggs 3 not cwned
Camiguin 3 not cwned
Cradle Of Filth 3 not cwned
Crazy Donkey 3 not cwned
Cultist 3 not cwned
Eskimo Killer 3 not cwned
Fetid Tract 3 not cwned
Ganesh 3 not cwned
Hermetica 3 not cwned
Humble 3 not cwned
Ice Queen 3 not cwned
Loki 3 not cwned
Moonclaw 3 not cwned
Mortal Pursuit 3 not cwned
Oust 3 not cwned
Samurai 3 not cwned
Sausages 3 not cwned
Scamp 3 not cwned
Sucker Punch 3 not cwned
Terrorhawks 3 not cwned
The Haunt 3 not cwned
Twilight 3 not cwned
Vespertine 3 not cwned
Wasp Eye 3 not cwned
Yodel 3 not cwned
Annoyed Giraffe 2 not cwned
Belch 2 not cwned
Caged Rage 2 not cwned
Claret 2 not cwned
Daemon Liar 2 not cwned
Dark Crystal 2 not cwned
Death Throes 2 not cwned
Dirt Uncle 2 not cwned
Doodle 2 not cwned
Dragons Liar 2 not cwned
Freefall 2 not cwned
Frenzy 2 not cwned
Galilee 2 not cwned
Gecko 2 not cwned
Giodano Bruno 2 not cwned
Goblin 2 not cwned
Gorganzola 2 not cwned
Gypsy Death 2 not cwned
Inccubus 2 not cwned
Lava Falls 2 not cwned
Lizard Skin 2 not cwned
Monkey 2 not cwned
Oblong 2 not cwned
Paloma Faith 2 not cwned
Penguin Boots 2 not cwned
Piglet 2 not cwned
Pluto 2 not cwned
Pulp 2 not cwned
Rat Cave 2 not cwned
Ron Burgundy 2 not cwned
Sapphire 2 not cwned
Scourge 2 not cwned
Sheep Poo 2 not cwned
Spam Javelin 2 not cwned
Spongebob 2 not cwned
Tom Yam Kung 2 not cwned
Tusk 2 not cwned
Velvet Garden 2 not cwned
Wicker Man 2 not cwned
Witches Coven 2 not cwned
Yellow Streak 2 not cwned
Cherish 1 not cwned
Devils Stepping Stone 1 not cwned
Ewok 1 not cwned
Magick 1 not cwned
Newt 1 not cwned
Pristine Glory 1 not cwned
Satans Cloakroom 1 not cwned
Sitting Pretty 1 not cwned
Sweet Spot 1 not cwned
Temujin 1 not cwned
The Devils Closet 1 not cwned
The Gallows 1 not cwned
Trapdoor 1 not cwned
Witch Doctor 1 not cwned
Witches Spell 1 not cwned

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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