To use the LandGrab Devloper API you must have a developer token. This token is a randomly-generated string, unique to each developer or client system that wishes to use the API. To request a developer token, send an email to In the email, state your LandGrab user account name and purpose for the token (a short description of your project will suffice). Once you have received your developer token, you can connect to LandGrab's API.
Initiating a session using the AuthService.initiateSession() method will allow you to make queries that do not require elevated privileges. For example, you can obtain all public messages for a given game (since these are available "anonymously" through the web UI). However, to retrieve the private messages for a given user, you must authenticate the user, using the login and password of the specified user.
To authenticate a user, use the AuthService.authenticateUser() method. After you have successfully authenticated a user, all subsequent calls that can use elevated privileges will use the authenticated user. You can change users by calling the AuthService.authenticateUser() method again. To see which user you currently have authenticated, you can use the AuthService.getAuthenticatedUserName() method.