
The GameSummarySoapBean a single game of LandGrab, including settings, players and status.

Object Members

Field Name Type Description
name string The game name.
code int The game number.
mapName string The name of the map that is being used for the game.
mainStatus string The main status of the game, can be any of the following:
  • "Game over"
  • "Initial army placement"
  • "Normal play"
  • "Not created"
  • "Registration"
gameOwner int The user code who created the game
turnNumber int The current player's turn number.
players PlayerSoapBean[] An array of PlayerSoapBean objects describing the current players in the game.
turnPlayerName string The current turn player's name
turnStatus string The turn stats, can be any of the following:
  • "Attack"
  • "Fortification"
  • "Leader placement"
  • "Normal play not started"
  • "Reinforcement"
  • "Territory ownership change"
  • "Waiting turn start"
numRemindersRemaining int The number of reminders that are remaining before the current turn is skipped. If turn skipping isn't enabled, this value will be -1.
numHoursUntilReminder int The number of hours until the next reminder is sent.
numMinutesUntilReminder int The number of minutes (hour remainder) until the next reminder is sent.
numTotalReminders int The total number of reminders that are sent per turn.
numHoursBetweenReminders int The total number of hours that exist between reminders.
gameStatusString string A textual representation of the current game status, such as "your turn (reinforcing)", or "Waiting for players to join".
timeRemainingPercentage int The percentage of time remaining before the user is skipped, in integer form. For example, 33% time left is 33.
totalMillisecondsLeft long The total number of milliseconds left until a user is skipped
teamGame boolean true if this is a team game, false otherwise
teams TeamSoapBean[] An array of TeamSoapBean objects representing the teams. Null if this is not a team game.
openPublicSlotsCount int The number of open public slots left.
minRequiredPoints int The minimum score required to join the game. -1 if there is no minimum.
maxRequiredPoints int The maximum score allowed to join the game. -1 if there is no maximum.
realtimeGame boolean True if this is a realtime game, false otherwise.
leaders boolean True if this game has leaders enabled, false otherwise.
numLeaders int The number of leaders in the game. 0 if leaders are not enabled.
capitols boolean true if this game uses capitols, false otherwise.
fortresses boolean true if this game uses fortresses, false otherwise. Note: this will be true if the game created enabled fortresses, regardless if the map contains fortresses.