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All games that Roy Wilson is registered in:
You win one and lose thirty
We don't serve their kind here
When Hell Freezes Over
Back in Black w Caps Forts leaders (completed)
Menagerie (completed)
Endless Lands 2 Leaders 2 Fortifications April 4 (completed)
no Caps no Leaders no Fortresses one Fortifications no Color (completed)
Brrrrrrraaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnssssss (completed)
Bish Bash Bosh Hell
Off to see the Wizard (completed)
Fight In Russia (completed)
Endless Lands 2 Leaders 2 Fortifications March 18 (completed)
1 Leader no Caps (completed)
In Camelot they dance a lot (completed)
Endless Lands ITD
43 - A Game or Thrones
When Hell Freezes Over
half-sized hex map w Caps (completed)
Endless Lands (completed)
Quintalia (completed)
When Hell Freezes Over ITD (completed)
Distant lands Revolution (completed)
Endless Lands ITD (completed)
WHFO ITD (completed)
Ulta war (completed)
In the time between the sinkiing of Alantis (completed)
BE BERRY QUIET I'm hunting wabbiits (completed)
Thw war (completed)
I got nothing (completed)
Back to back (completed)
Bloodbath (completed)
Whatever Trevor
The good the bad and the ugly 4
Time for another (completed)
North America Version 2 (completed)
Celebrating 900000 games
Endless Revisited (completed)
American Frontier (completed)
Bot Hunters (completed)
Hey hey (completed)
WHFO in the Dark (completed)
Endless Lands in the Dark (completed)
Big Old Rebellion (completed)
WHFO ITD (completed)
Endless Lands in the Dark (completed)
Time after time (completed)
Fight for America (completed)
Endless Lands 2 Leaders 2 Fortifications dec 23 (completed)
Slight Twist on normal (completed)
Leaders? We don't need no stinking Leaders (completed)
On the road to Rome (completed)
Extreme Russoregon (completed)
A duck (completed)
A pox on Roma (completed)
Endless Land (completed)
When I get older losing my hair 30 years ago (completed)
It's been a while
JJ His arms open When the walls fell (completed)
Whelp, here we go (completed)
Chaos (completed)
Dark ages (completed)
Back to the basics (completed)
No Leaders, No Caps (completed)
Ta Par Tey (completed)
Endless Lands 2 Leaders 2 Fortifications Nov 7 (completed)
Pax Romana (completed)
Star Trek something, something (completed)
Something different (completed)
PAX ROMANA (completed)
WHFO (completed)
For the right (completed)
All roads lead to my house (completed)
Oh please God wake me (completed)
You gotta Fight (completed)
Try again (completed)
To Fight is to Live (completed)
Endless Lands Area Control II
Forging a New Empire (you can join this one) (completed)
An old favirate (completed)
Endless Lands (completed)
For Realzies (completed)
A Dark Age (completed)
Match's Endless Lands III (completed)
A Kill For The Books
Foggy and Dark Ages in Europe for a week

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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